How to decorate your room on a budget

How to decorate your room on a budget
Being a student and having no money is a common situation but fear not you can still have stylish abode on a budget. And in this blog we share some hacks that will get you there on the tightest of budgets.
Make your own artwork
If you are on a budget the key thing is to get creative and see what you can do and get for free to spruce up your living quarters. And making your own artwork ticks all the boxes as well as being a fun activity, whether you are creative or not!
Why not create artwork with your friends and family before you move, because artwork that has sentimental value is 100 times better than the generic stuff you can buy. And if you really aren’t the creative type, you can make a montage of your favourite photos, which will be like a trip down memory lane every time you look at it.
One tip we do have is that before you start putting up photos do check with your landlord on whether you can hang things on the walls, and if they say no, invest in “washi tape” which is masking tape that is removable and reusable, and will not damage the walls and save your deposit!
Use removable wallpaper
Most student accommodation is decorated with white walls, that can look stark and unwelcoming. And whilst most landlords will not let you repaint. Those that do, based on you repainting the walls back to white when you move out, can get extremely expensive.
A cheaper alternative is to use removable wallpaper because it is an inexpensive way to add style and colour to a space and can be removed easily when you leave.
Get furniture for free
There will be students moving out that do not want their furniture anymore, so get in early and claim the best pieces. Likewise sign up for apps such as Olio and Freecycle, where you will find people in the local area giving away things they do not want for free.
Decorate your room with house plants
House plants are cheap, will add an enormous impact to your space and they produce oxygen and trap pollutants. Need we say anymore.
You might also be able to pick them up for free, so look out for posts on Gumtree and Olio, and if your parents or friends’ are into houseplants why not get them to do you a cutting, that way the plant can grow as you settle into your new home and be a benchmark for your time away.
Buy nice bedding
What is cheap isn’t always good, so splashing out on good quality bedding will definitely be better than buying cheap uncomfortable bedding, that you might have to replace a few times. And given your bed will be the focal point of your room, this is definitely a worthwhile investment.
Shop at places like John Lewis and Ikea who do special offers at the start of the academic year and pick up summer and winter bedding to keep you cosy and your room looking stylish.
Use lighting to create a good ambience
The right lighting can really level up your room and make it feel super warm and cosy. And you have endless, affordable options fairy lights, LED strip lights, sunset lamps, and salt lamps to choose from. You can hang your lights around your bed, across the ceiling or even on your pin board if you have one.